Thursday, January 20, 2011

The popularity of Adolf Hitler

Explain how Hitler was a hero to Germans but turned villain to the rest of the world.


  1. After World I Germany was wounded, or as you can say in shambles, their alliances did not help them as much as they hoped to rebuild what was ruined and broken. Hitler filled promises that the alliances did not fill. He fixed what was not working and brought them to a place of power and confidence. They were once again proud to be Germans. Other countries looked at Hitler and the Germans as horrible people because of all the harm they caused in the process of gaining power. In that process, they killed more the 6 million Jews, and other people, they started war with surrounding country's and took over Austria, Czechoslovakia, part of Lithuania and Poland. To everyone else, they were destroying the lives of others, but to the Germans, Hitler was saving them. The Germans were also not that aware of what Hitler was really up to in the beginning. It is safe to say, by the end of the war, everyone saw the big picture and what Hitler was really up to.

  2. Germany, after World War I, was in a state of turmoil. Politically, there was massive disagreement and conflict on what the new type of government should be. Also, as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was in a state of economic turmoil. Under this treaty, Germany was given full responsibility for the war and, as a result, had to pay enormous war reparations and give up land conquered. Aside from economic and political problems, Germany also had problems in the military. They could only have 100,000 troops, and no submarines or airplanes. This treaty, along with its state of political turmoil, caused great humiliation for German citizens and they desired greatly for Germany to fight past this adversity and join the powers on the world stage once again.

    Approximately a decade after the end of the First World War, came the Great Depression that further lowered the already rock-bottom morale of the German citizens. The economic status of Germany was, once again, in shambles and the political status quickly followed. In this time of distress German citizens were willing to listen to anyone; this is when Adolf Hitler decided to speak.

    With Hitler’s excellent oratory skills he provided a poverty stricken population with hope. He offered “work to the unemployed; prosperity to failed business people; profits to industry; expansion to the Army; social harmony and an end of class distinctions to idealistic young students; and restoration of German glory to those in despair.” He made the German citizens believe that if he, if elected, would be the hero they needed.

    As Fuhrer, Hitler did attempt to fix Germany’s economic problems through industrial expansion based on military expansion. However, his malicious actions toward the rest of the world could not be denied. He ruthlessly seized the countries bordering Germany. This ruthlessness, however, pales in comparison to the Holocaust- the ruthless, inhuman imprisoning of “inferior” races and ethnicities. During the Holocaust, races and ethnicities labeled inferior were rounded up like cattle, initially dehumanizing them, imprisoned and forced to work literally to death with little to none of the necessities. This, by far, is the worst action that Hitler committed.

    While Hitler was committed to the prosperity of Germany and attempted to ensure this prosperity, this does not undermine the cruelty of the Holocaust and associated actions. Through his political actions he was seen as a hero in Germany, but also through this same action he was seen as a villain to the rest of the world.

  3. In Germany, Hitler was seen as a hero because he promised the Germans a way back to being supreme. In a time when Life was hard; food and jobs were scarce, Germans were looking for any kind of "out". Hitler gave them that out, blaming all of their problems on the Jews made it an easy concept to believe it was the Jews fault for everything that went wrong. To the rest of the world, Hitler wasn't seen as a hero because of how he went about getting what he wanted. He used the Germans desperateness against them to achieve what he wanted; world power. Unlike the Germans, Everyone else saw this. From invading nearby countries to almost destroying a whole race, Hitler was evil.
