Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Deal Programs

 Identify THREE of the following New Deal measures and analyze the ways in which each of the three attempted to fashion a more stable economy and a more equitable society?

     Agricultural Adjustment Act

     Securities and Exchange Commission

     Wagner National Labor Relations Act

     Social Security Act


  1. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was an act enforced by Franklin D. Roosevelt that was intended to restore the purchasing power of American farmers. This would be applied by putting a 30% tax increase on companies that bought farming products and processed them into foods and clothing. This helped control the supply of corn, wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, tobacco, and milk. This act was just a way to help the farmers balance out the economy.
    Congress established the National Labor Relations Act to help control the labor unions. This was essential for the government to control because, since most people did not have jobs, they would try to cause havoc everywhere. The government needed to step in to try and stop these little events from happening.
    The social Security Act helped establish a solution to the pension problem. This helped create insurance for people by taxing them little by little on their paychecks. This helped the children, blind, and unemployed citizens. This three seem to me as a good way to help balance out the economy and didn't seem too impossible for people to reach.


  2. In the 1930's, unemployment had spiked to a huge amount, and the standards of living declined to a all time low. The National Labor Relations Act in 1935, also known as the Wagner Act and the most important legacy of the new deal, was created to protect the rights of the people who were still employed. This encouraged employees to form unions, bargain collectively, and was considered a way to cut off some private sector labor and management practices. Doing so will help protect the general workers and businesses, along with the U.S. economy.

    In the same year, the Social Security Act was also passed. This act established a system of benefits for workers. These benefits were included in work related accidents, unemployment insurance, extra money for single mothers, the blind, and the handicapped. The act was mainly created to help the elderly and the unfortunate since the suffering from the Great Depression was so hard on those people.

    A few years later, the Agricultural Adjustment act. In the 1920's, farmers were already having a hard time as they were producing more crops then could be consumed, resulting in a drop of price. In 1933 Roosevelt wanted to restore the purchasing power of American farmers as they were before the war. This was done by evening the balance of supply and demand. The Dust Bowl of 1934 also had a huge impact on the farms, which the AAA also helped with.


  3. The great depression in sued many ideas that would help many of the poor and under privileged to rise. America had this idea that a man had to pull himself by the boot strap with no help from anyone, but when the great depression hit many suffered. The U.S government had to put a stop to the suffering of its people, so it created the social security act, Agricultural Adjustment Act, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. The social security act was passed to collect tax money and save it up, so that they could end up disturbing to people. This was a great way to help give a little money to those who couldn’t even afford a can of beans. The farmers had always had an issue when it came down to money. Many of the farmer’s crops could suffer from the cold, bugs, weeds; etc or even people did not buy their products. So the government need to find a way to find relief for them, thus they made the Agricultural Adjustment act. This act gave farmers money to pay their necessities and get enough money to pay their debts. The Securities and Exchange Commission was to help the government regulate the growth and product of the industries of America. With all this acts America was starting to look brighter.

  4. Around the time of the Great Depression, America, as well as the world, was in economic turmoil. This was so much so that the American government had to step in to help stabilize the economy and create jobs for its citizens. Among other ways, the government attempted to do just this through the creation of the Social Security Act, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act.

    The Social Security Act was created to lessen the devastating effects another depression would have, should it happen again. This Act did two things. 1) It created unemployment insurance in case a massive amount of people lost jobs again just like in the Great Depression and 2) it provided security for old age, funded by tax payers, that provided for and took care of workers retired or too old to work. Aside from these two main aspects, this act also provided for those with disabilities, handicaps and other people dependent on another for survival. This act provided a means of income for those unemployed or unable to work so that, even though they were no longer in the work force, they still had way to contribute to America’s overall economy, however small that contribution may be. This act was created through the government’s realization that it had to provide for those citizens who could not work or were unable to work, instead of letting them fend for themselves.

    Avid believers in the New Deal policy believed that they had to combat those who played with the money of others to carelessly, mainly bankers and big business. They did this through the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC was created mainly to carefully watch those who bought and sold in stock market. By doing so, the stock market would operate more as “trading marts and less as gambling casinos”(Kennedy Book). This is was the measure taken as part of the New Deal policy to make sure a devastating event such as the 1929 Stock Market crash never happens again.

    Both of the Social Security Act and the Securities and Exchange Commission were created mainly to protect the urban dwellers. The Agricultural Adjustment Act, however, was more directed toward the protection of the rural dwellers, mainly farmers. This act basically said that if farmers observed acreage restrictions on certain crops, they would be eligible for parity payment. The act also said that made sure that farmers did not only get fairer prices for their crops but also gained more of the national income. It appears that the effect of supply-and-demand farmers felt before the Great Depression was fading away.

    The Great Depression was truly a devastating event. However, through the acts and policies created through the New Deal, the economic condition would stabilize once again.

    -Kennedy Book-

  5. As one of the primary transformation periods of American History, the New Deal and Depression Era has left lasting impressions on the make up of the United States of America. With the loss of jobs and the overall economic downfall of America, a way out of this depression was sought after. Subsequently, as a part of the New Deal, laws such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Wagner National Labor Relations Act, and the Social Security Act all helped fashion a more stable economy and more equitable society.

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act relayed two new crucial aids to society. This act first encouraged those who were still left in farming to grow fewer crops. Therefore, there would be less produce on the market and crop prices would rise, thus benefitting the farmers. Moreover, farmers were paid to destroy their crops and farm animals. However, this action was found to go against preexisting laws, and was deemed unconstitutional. Secondly, if growers followed the limits on obtaining of land and the production of cotton and wheat, they would be eligible for parity payments. This act’s purpose was to help the burdened farmers by increasing their income and decreasing their taxes.

    Moreover, the Wagner National Labor Relations Act was created by Congress to protect workers' right to unionization and outlawed unfair employer tactics. With that said, the National Labor Relations Board was created to enforce the National Labor Relations Act. This act guaranteed the right of employees to organize, form unions, and bargain collectively with their employers. “It assured that workers would have a choice on whether to belong to a union or not, and promoted collective bargaining as the major way to insure peaceful industry-labor relations.”

    Not to mention, the Social Security Act was created to aid the handicapped, disabled children, jobless, and elderly, with funds that would put them on the same financial playing field as other Americans. In addition, the bill generated an array of programs to aid numerous groups of Americans. The law got its title from the groundbreaking social insurance program designed to provide a steady income for retired workers aged 65 or older. Financed by a payroll tax, the Social Security Act this act remained a provision of income for those that unable to work. Overall, social security helps the economic stance of America and provides for everyone in the long run.

    These acts did not solve America’s problems, in terms of money flow, however, they did aid people groups that were hit hard by the Depression. Farmers, the disabled, the elderly, and the jobless could not buy the goods of thriving businesses if they did not have any money. The overall idea in aiding America was to work from the bottom, up. In turn, everything else would fall into place.

    Moreland’s Summer Notes


  6. When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933, he called Congress into special session to introduce a record number of legislative proposals under what he dubbed the New Deal. One of the first to be introduced and enacted was the Agricultural Adjustment Act.The intent of the AAA was to restore the purchasing power of American farmers to pre-World War I levels. The money to pay the farmers for cutting back production by about 30 percent was raised by a tax on companies that bought farm products and processed them into food and clothing.
    In 1933, Senator Robert F. Wagner (NY-D) submitted a bill before Congress that would help prohibit unfair labor practices by employers. With the backing of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, Wagner's measure became the National Labor Relations Act (NRLA), informally known as the Wagner Act.
    President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on August 15, 1935.The act created a uniquely American solution to the problem of old-age pensions. Unlike many European nations, U.S. social security "insurance" was supported from "contributions" in the form of taxes on individuals’ wages and employers’ payrolls rather than directly from Government funds. The act also provided funds to assist children, people who have disabilities and the unemployed. It also gives funds to institute vocational training programs,and provide family health programs.

  7. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was to pay farmers to reduce their corps; to raise the crop surplus so the value of the crops will also be raised. The money for these subsides was on a tax to companies that produce farm products. This act was ruled unconstitutional because of the tax on the companies just to pay back the farmers.
    The Social Security Act was created to assist people such as the elderly, widows, fatherless children, poor, and the unemployed. The signing of this act by the President made Roosevelt the first President to advocate federal assistance for the elderly. This act was a positive help to many people in help of need during the depression.
    The Securities and Exchange Commission was a federal agency that enforced federal security laws, regulate the securities industry, the nations stock and options exchanges, and other electronics markets exchanges in the USA. This agency was responsible for creating seven laws. This helped to make sure brokers and dealers did not commit fraud, inside trading, and other violations. This act help to contain the crime going on through out the stock market and trades from companies. One of the seven laws was the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act which dealt with credit ratings and debt which was a huge issue during the depression and a cause of it.

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